Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lie #1

So this is the beginning of my lies about Modest etc. So here goes I am going to try to bust any lies that are floating out there.

Lie #1

That the reason Christian girls say that they are trying to be modest is because they don't have as much self confidence.

So I don't know how many of you have encountered this lie in your life but I believe this can be a really big problem. Imagine if you were walking through a store and you are searching for a nice shirt that is modest. When you here some whispering behind your back. You stop when you here your name. You slip behind a rack of shirts and look through them it's some of the girls from school. "I can't believe (insert your own name.) She only dresses the way she does is because she doesn't have enough self confidence to wear "modern" clothes. I love how she says it's all about honoring God. But really it's because she isn't confident in herself." 
Now back to the present. I know that besides modesty I don't wear short shorts because I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing them. But you should feel uncomfortable if you are wearing something that is immodest. But think of the misconceptions that others might have about you and so next time when a girl walks by you in that low top or in short shorts just remember that she may not feel comfortable in what she is wearing. So if you ever find yourself believing this lie just remember if you are living for God He is watching what you do and what you say and how you act and He will not forget what  you've done that is pleasing in His eyes. God made you the way you are and he crafted you to be exactly who you are don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful.

(if you have any lies that you know girls face today post it below and I will do my best to answer it.)

In Christ

Lydia Grace


  1. So true! Girls, God made you perfect the way you are! He didn't make a mistake on you! He made you beautiful! And if the lies fly at you from everyone and everywhere look up to God and remember that you are beautiful because God made you. Don't believe the world's lies. But stand firm in God and know that you are beautiful because God made you.

  2. Hi there! I'm having a few giveaways here:
    I'd love for you to enter!

